Throughout the history of the NFL there have been many dynasties, but none have been on the same level as the Patriots' dominance since Bill Belichick took over in 2000. Since September 3rd, 2000 the Patriots have an astounding win percentage against the rest of the league. In fact, no team in the NFL has a winning record against the Patriots in this span.
Under the guidance of Coach Belichick and the command of Tom Brady, the Patriots defied the NFL system designed to prevent such dynasties from forming. Over 20 seasons the duo broke nearly every record in the league on the way to winning 6 Super Bowls.
This website was created to document this historical run by the most dominant team in the history of football using statistics as well as storytelling to show just how special this team has been.
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On This Day: February 15th
Latest Podcast Episode
2005 Week 13: Patriots vs Jets (1:11:32)
Another episode!? What is this, a real podcast? The Brown brothers are back to (theoretically) talk about this week 13 matchup between the Pats and their hated rivals, but due to this being an altogether forgettable game it often devolves into falling down rabbit holes. So if you want to hear deep dives on Ty Law, Brooks Bollinger, and Ron Dayne, this is the episode for you.
Greg rarely asks for things (that I will actually do), but he REALLY wanted you to see the picture of Ron Dayne, so here it is:
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Record vs the NFL
For 20 years, the Patriots managed to maintain an unprecedented level of success against the other 31 teams in the NFL. In fact, even in the face of free agency and record-based drafting meant to equalize the playing field, New England has managed to compile a winning record against all but 1 team. And no opponent has a winning record vs the Pats in that timeframe.